Pocket Notebook for Companies wishing to reward staff

Why Employee Incentives Matter

1. Non-Share Incentives: Exploring Traditional Options

a. Cash Bonuses: A Quick Win with Hidden Costs

Tax Impact:

  • Subject to 40% income tax, reducing the net bonus to £6,000.
  • Employer National Insurance at 13.8%, adding an extra £1,380 cost to the company.

Consideration: Bonuses provide immediate gratification but can be costly due to tax deductions.

b. Benefits in Kind: Perks That Feel Like Pay

Tax Impact:

  • The benefit-in-kind (BIK) value is assessed based on CO₂ emissions, leading to a potential taxable amount of £9,000 annually.

Consideration: Offering perks such as flexible work arrangements can be more tax-efficient.

c. Pension Contributions: Investing in the Future

Tax Impact:

  • No immediate tax for the employee; contributions grow tax-free until withdrawal.
  • Corporation tax relief for the employer.

Consideration: This option provides long-term security and tax efficiency.

d. Flexible Working: Work-Life Balance Boost

Consideration: No direct tax implications but enhances work-life balance and productivity.

2. Share-Based Incentives: A Deeper Dive into Awarding Shares

a. Employment Related Securities (ERS): More Than Just Shares

Tax Impact:

  • Income tax applies on the value at the time of issue if deemed employment-related.

Consideration: Proper structuring helps minimize tax liabilities.

b. Readily Convertible Assets (RCA): Watch Out for the Traps

Tax Impact:

  • Immediate PAYE and NI charges based on market value.

Consideration: Early planning can help avoid tax surprises.

c. Valuation Considerations: Knowing Your Worth

Example: A retail business issues 10% shares to a director, applying a 60% minority discount.

Tax Impact:

  • The discounted value of £400,000 is used for tax purposes.

Consideration: Applying valuation discounts strategically optimizes tax efficiency.

3. Restricted Securities: Protecting Employer Interests

Example: A manufacturing company requires employees to sell shares back at nominal value if they leave.

Tax Impact:

  • Tax is based on actual market value rather than unrestricted value.

Consideration: Restrictions protect the company but require proper planning.

4. Alphabet Shares: Flexibility in Ownership

Example: A consultancy firm issues A, B, and C shares with specific dividend entitlements.

Tax Impact:

  • Flexible dividends allow tax-efficient distributions.

Consideration: Compliance with tax rules is crucial to avoid disguised remuneration.

5. Dividend-Only Shares: A Double-Edged Sword

Example: A business owner issues shares to their spouse, allowing dividends but no voting rights.

Tax Impact:

  • HMRC may treat dividends as part of the owner’s taxable income.

Consideration: Clear commercial rationale is critical to avoid tax scrutiny.

6. Growth Shares: Rewarding Performance

Example: A software company awards growth shares to a senior manager participating in value above £5 million.

Tax Impact:

  • No immediate tax charge as shares have no value at issuance.

Consideration: Aligns employee incentives with business performance.

7. Reporting Obligations: Staying Compliant

Example: A business issues shares without filing the required ERS returns.

Tax Impact:

  • Potential penalties and scrutiny from HMRC.


  • Submit ERS returns by July 6th.
  • Maintain records for due diligence.

8. Practical Considerations for Employers

  • Conduct due diligence to align incentives with long-term goals.
  • Assess potential tax risks and valuation complexities.
  • Consider the impact on employee retention.


by Jay Cholewinski
